



去诂苟大学学习之后发现,这个错误犯的简直和当初对《江河水》的猜测有的一拼了!《花非花》原来出自白居易的一首诗,而且很朦胧、缠绵,完全和革命不搭界的。不过,“黄自”这个名字所引起的革命联想倒是对的。《抗战歌》、《旗正飘飘》、《中华民国国旗歌》都是黄自所作。而且读了维基上“黄自”的条款才晓得原来人家很是个人物的,只是自己孤陋寡闻了。不过,造成这种结果当然少不了党的贡献。正是Denovo的日记里那句话“I don't need sex, the government fucks me everyday.”




作者:【白居易】 年代:【唐】 体裁:【词】 类别:【未知】














From 《The Music of Man》 (10)

But it is not wise for us to ascribe everything about the discovery of harmony, overtone, and scales to man alone. Not long ago I had an extraordinary experience on the island of Mykonos, in the Aegean Sea south of mainland Greece. Outside the harbor of Mykonos, there is a tiny island, uninhabited except for many, many bees. There is one small sloping beach, and at the topmost point of the isle, a little stone chapel for the rare visitor. The terrain is rather rugged, with a steep cliff rising sharply where the beach ends. One day in April when I was walking on the flowering cliff top, listening to the buzzing of the bees on their honey-making rounds, I distinctly heard one sound, which I will call the fundamental, and another sound exactly a fifth above. When I came closer, it seemed to my eye and ear that a larger bee was producing the lower sound and a small bee the upper one. It struck me as quite extraordinary that such an adjustment of sounds should be achieved by two bees. Then they were joined by another, making a sound that fell exactly in between the other two, which was in fact a third above the fundamental, establishing a full major chord. I was so surprised I had to go back in the afternoon to make sure; and there is was still, that same sound.

From 《The Music of Man》 (9)

That sense of tension and relaxation is in fact built directly into Western harmony, in the alternation between the major and minor. The major chord is the first and only pure one we encounter in natural overtones, and the major is generally regarded as happy, the minor as sad. I think this has to do with the fact that the minor has dropped the natural interval of the middle note in the chord by an artificial semitone. In C major the natural middle note is E, and in C minor that note becomes E-flat, where it conflicts with the implied E. The conflict is not so strong as to upset the strength of the basic three-note chord, but it is disturbing to the natural overtone series bey9ond. And what is sadness? It is a division, a sense that things are not right, that you want what you cannot have or lament what you have not done. You bewail the loss of something, you are not at one with yourself or the world. In that minor chord, that loss is the purity of the middle note, which wants to rise, to become major, to unite again with its natural series.

From 《The Music of Man》 (8)

For music to speak to us, it needs more than the structure of a scale, of intervals, or even of our emotions. It needs a recognizable form corresponding to something in our own being. I have often thought that the earliest musical form must have been a simple repetition, a double image rather like the right and left halves of a leaf when folded upon each other. We recognize the repetition of two roughly equal halves in a rhythm or melody, and this gives us a sense of security and completion, and with that musical memory we begin to build. Once we hear a sound we can repeat it, creating a simple rhythm at first. When we put a few sounds together in groups or phrases of related tones, we have the beginnings of melody, a blend of feeling with logic. We can also turn these phrases or rhythms upside down or backwards, for one of the basic tools of conceptual thinking is to consider a situation in its reverse.

From 《The Music of Man》 (7)

The circle of fifth is a human deduction, not a natural phenomenon. Nature always has its loose ends, elements that appear to our minds as mistakes, as if they simply should not happen. In our arrogance we feel that we should offer nature a correction, squaring the circle. The beauty of nature is that there is always an element that allows for mystery, for development or evolution. So it is with the circle of fifths, for when you come back to the note with which you started, providing the fifths have all been perfectly tuned, you find that this note has gone a little sharp. It is one of the mysteries of nature, as the Chinese knew by observation. We had to wait for Pythagoras to establish the precise mathematics of the difference, and it is now known as the Pythagoras to establish the precise mathematics of the difference, and it is now known as the Pythagorean Comma. Its existence is an important aspect of the difference between Western music and that of much of the rest of the world --- our music has always been based on pure or natural intervals (at least until this century). As we shall see, the rise of the keyboard instruments --- the organ, harpsichord and piano --- brought on a crisis in tuning precipitated by the conflict between pure intervals in one key and those in another. As with so much else in Western life, we adjusted the tuning to an uncomfortable compromise, a homage to the keyboard with which the voice and the string player are never totally comfortable.

From 《The Music of Man》 (6)


The overtone principle is like that of the skipping rope we all turned as children. We discovered quickly that by turning the rope faster, it could be made to divide into two or three loop segments, perhaps even five or six if the rope was long and was wielded with a strong wrist. These extra loops appeared because the rope had to follow the laws of tension and inertia, like molecules of vibrating air. When the loop segments multiplied, they turned in opposed waves, forming a continuous peak and trough. Ripples on a lake and sound waves in the air follow the same laws of the balance of opposing forces.

A string player constantly uses the overtone phenomenon, for he can produce the same effect on his vibrating string as the multiple loops in the jump rope. By touching the string at exactly its midpoint, he makes it vibrate in two opposed halves, producing a sound exactly an octave above the note to which the string is tuned. Touching the string lightly at one-third its length makes it vibrate in three equal parts, producing a sound a fifth higher still. At the quarter length, the string vibrates in four parts, giving a note two octaves above the fundamental. Those are the first three overtones. But touch the string at one-fifth its length and a critical new note appears, a major third above the fundamental, though two octaves higher up. This note completes the components of a major chord, the foundation of western harmony. It is also nature’s great secret, hidden for so long because that fourth overtone is so far above its parent. The overtone series continues upward in smaller steps, maintaining an unvarying sequence of mathematically pure ratios.

Although we can derive the entire scale, the twelve semitones of the octave from the overtone series, scales probably originated as social conventions, and there are many scales in the world that do not maintain pure intervals. Some scales may have arisen from a desire to produce evenly spaced holes on a flute or frets on a string instrument. The resultant scales sound quite unnatural to Western ears.

Such words as “octave” and “fifth” are themselves only convenient Western labels that have come into common usage because of our widely adopted seven-note major and minor scales. In this system, the note vibrating at twice the speed of another is always to be found eight notes up the scale. The fifth is another matter, for the Western scale is built of whole and half steps, again handy labels, and the distance between any five steps in the scale is not always a perfect fifth. Our scale system was probably derived from the circle of fifth, rather than from the overtones, and that circle is a closed one --- almost.

So far as we know the Chinese were the first to examine the relationship between fifths. Surviving documents, predating 3000 BC, show the importance to them of these relationships. They found that a series of fifths in a row will produce twelve separate notes before the notes begin repeating. Those twelve notes put in a series include all the semitones of our Western scale. Starting at the bottom on the piano, the circle can be played. You will find the thirteenth note at the top, seven octaves higher, is the same as the one on which you started.

They discovery of the circle of fifths was a great one to the Chinese, for they honor the number five as sacred, dividing the basic elements into five, namely earth, fire, water, wood, and metal, as they also recognize five basic human relationships and five basic kinds of grain. The Chinese used the circle of fifths to establish the five-tone pentatonic scale. Extending this series by two more intervals produced the notes needed to complete a major scale as we know it in the West. Music based on this seven-note scale did become popular in China, and later Chinese music used a scale with all twelve of the semitones we know. The Chinese also evolved a form of musical notation. Yet the five-note scale remained sacred, and was maintained for music expressing the highest moral, ethical or spiritual ideals, while the seven-note scale was designated to serve the music of the court or street.

For the Chinese, music was a tool to govern the hearts of the people. It is said in China that when there is music in the home, there is affection between father and son, and when music is played in public, there is harmony among the people. Their standardized scale was one they could duplicate on many kinds of instruments, for instances the zither-like ch'in, ancestor to the Japanese koto, both still in current use. By the seventh century BC, the Chinese poet Le Ly Kim could write, “Virtue is our favorite flower. Music is the perfume of that flower.”


这个Le Ly Kim 是谁?这个蹩脚的“Virtue is our favorite flower. Music is the perfume of that flower”怎么翻译回原文呢?


号称学乐理,买了一个电子琴。Yamaha DGX-630.

From 《The Music of Man》 (5)

After many a concert I have been asked what the music I played "means" to me; we have had to develop an elaborate set of terms to describe what music "means". The key difference lies in the fact that words refer first and foremost to the real world outside of us, to things and actions for which they serve as useful, acceptable symbols. Music, on the other hand, has a special relationship to our inner being. Our feelings become entities in themselves apart from literal meaning, and music shapes and alters them.

From 《The Music of Man》 (4)

In that translucent light and air of the plains (in Africa), it is possible to hear for miles, to smell the coming of a storm, detect the movement of prowling beasts. The hunt became as much as a part of survival as the harvest, and no instrument altered the balance of power more swiftly in man's favor than the discovery of the bow and arrow, which gives man control over the animal from a distance. For the hunter this was not yet a weapon of war, but a matching of forces; only the necessity of food made man and animal antagonists. From the ritual of the hunt sprang music; the bow could produce a mellifluous twang. A widely held view is that the bow and arrow are ancestor to the violin.

From 《The Music of Man》 (3)

The keenness of every creature's senses is part of its ability to survive, to mate, to feed. Thirty thousand years ago, living in caves, among trees or in the open, our senses were our best weapon. Hearing was as important as sight; every rustle had a message; we came to know the noise of every other creature.

Feel like Helen Keller

海伦.凯勒(Helen Keller)就是那个著名的写作《假如给我三天光明》的人。高中的英语课上有一篇课文讲她怎么学会第一个单词“water”的。海伦因为出生不久(19个月)得了猩红热成了一个又聋又哑又瞎的人。没有听觉和视觉,只剩了嗅觉、味觉、触觉,这样一个只有一岁多,对世界还几乎一无所知的人如何和外界交流呢?海伦的学习完全靠触觉了。海伦五岁的时候遇到了她的老师安妮.莎莉文。她和世界的交流从那一刻开始。老师带她去水池边,打开水龙头,让水一直冲洗着海伦的一只手,在另一只手上反复地写“water”这个词,海伦终于明白了“water”就是水的意思。

Music touches our feelings more deeply than most words and makes us respond with our whole being.
可是这句话对于我来说只对了一半,I don't know how to respond to music with my whole being. 什么时候我才能够明白“water”就是水的意思呢?


From 《The Music of Man》 (2)

Music may happen to be expressive, communicative, moving and inspired, but it is rarely accidental, even when it recalls the everlasting sounds of the sea or the spontaneity of birdsong. The cry of the newborn child is as much the intrinsic sound of music as is the staccato hammering of the woodpecker, the crash of thunder, the rustle of wind through the wheat field, the cooing of the dove, the rattle of seed pods, the clank of metal, the soft tread of feet on underbrush. Is it not in these very natural sounds that is largely found the raw material for the creation of man's music? Out of these we have built, constructed, continue building and constructing, musical languages, whether the most subtle and sophisticated monodic (melodic) and rhythmic textures such as developed thousands of years ago in India, or the most complex harmonic textures which have developed only recently in Western Europe.

我从来也不知道那些创作音乐的人是怎么思考的。音乐的表达(expressive, communicative, moving and inspired)不象语言的表达一样对于每一个人来说那么自然,因为我们从小和世界的交流是从会讲话起才变得清晰而意义明确的,所以虽然文字的创作可以有许多的技巧或是玄虚在里面,但是对于我来说还是比音乐要易懂得多。但是语言也是人类进化的产物,也许在没有语言之前,音乐是通过声音表达人类的感受更自然的方式。


Music is our oldest form of expression, older than language or art; it begins with the voice, and with overwhelming need to reach out to others. In fact, music is man far more than words, for words are abstract symbols which convey factual meaning. Music touches our feelings more deeply than most words and makes us respond with our whole being.


From 《The Music of Man》 (1)

The Greeks knew this well and acknowledged man in his wholeness, giving due respect to his dual nature: one half of the Apollonian, always striving for clarity and moderation; the other the Dionysian, driving toward the fantastic and orgiastic. We revel in our senses, as we revel in the powers of our mind and soul. Today these senses are at the mercy of commercial society to whom all tastes are but appetites to be used and abused for the sake of profit. Inexorably, since my boyhood in San Francisco, I have seen the dislocation of the natural and instinctive flair and taste for the genuine twisted to the acceptance of the odorless flavors, the plastic plants, the whole flattening of the aesthetic responses, even to the acceptance of the appalling distortion of pure sound when something termed music pours through various mechanical devices in one long adenoidal wail.








反正现在也三十多了,学筝纯粹就是为了兴趣,不象小朋友一样有考级的压力啦、有peer pressue啦、要弹得好有利于升学啦……文艺女中年终于度过了那个前半生学习是为了生存的阶段,进入后半生学习完全是为了乐趣了。路上的风景哪一段都很好,干嘛要急急忙忙的赶路呢?俺们就先在这儿平心静气的托、抹、勾、撮着也不错呀。





当然,这也许是因为Permanent Head Damage的缘故。从graduate school毕业之后,我的脑子已经不适合非理性、非逻辑性思维了。

如果还要给自己一点微薄而虚弱的希望,相信已经permanent damaged head还能够进行非理性、非逻辑性思维和学习的话,就只好抱怨天气太热了,让人浮躁不安。

